Entry: "Woodchuck" is Live
Official= Official Comment

Official Comment From Jessica
Greg, will you post your treatise on how much wood a woodchuck can chuck? The world needs to know about that. Seriously, before it's too late.

From Katie
Website: http://www.katiedurham.com
Repeating my tweet on Twitter (redundancy!) - I absolutely love it. All the things I didn't really like about the previous site were fixed and other things I didn't even notice are magically better.
The previous site was beautiful but a tad cryptic, I think. One had to poke around a bit before finding much information. So in this new incarnation, I especially love that the updates are immediately displayed on the splash page (wrong term, can't thing of the right one) instead of tucked in a corner after the flash animation is done.
I also appreciate that nothing is lost to the scrollbar. Everything important is right there at the top or right under the map. I think it's the perfect layout.
Also the "42 West hired... 42 West fired" was funny. In a frustrating let-down sort of way, but still funny. They will rue the day! RUE, I TELL YOU!
Anyway, fantastic work, both of you. The site retained all its beauty, but became much more functional and user-friendly. I honestly can't find anything to complain about. Bravo!
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Official Comment From Jessica
Most of the congrats go to Greg. It's hard to tell when we work together so much, but this time I do think most of the changes were his idea and/or something he decided on and implemented and I was like "awesome."

From Curtis Sawyer
Website: http://ussexcalibur.blogspot.com
I like it! I see you retained my previous suggestion of "Returning Visitor? Speed things up!".

I'm still here - really. I know I've been quiet recently but with a 6-week old at home I'm swamped.
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From Greg Martin
Website: http://www.artofgregmartin.com
Greg Martin's Treatise on How Much Wood Would A Woodchuck Chuck If A Woodchuck Could Chuck Wood?

Fuckloads. I mean, woodchucks have HISTORICALLY wanted to be able to chuck wood, you know, since time BEGAN. And given the opportunity I can only imagine that they'd set to it with a will, if you know what I mean. And by that I mean they'd be chucking wood like little wood-chucking monsters. I'd imagine that the first batches of chucked wood would simply be satisfying the initial urge, the pent up chuck-lust that drives them even today in their relative wood-chucking denied state. After the initial RUSH the chuckers would settle in on more of a leisurely pace, enjoying the now seemingly "normal" aspect of being able to chuck wood. "Oh yeah," they'd say (in a posh British accent), "I've been chucking wood for simply AGES. Really not much of a novelty anymore, if you know what I mean. Ol' Chuckers over there does it nowadays simply to revel in the BOREDOM of it all."

Of course, that's before they discover that there's different TYPES of wood to chuck. Pretty soon a whole societal structure would emerge based on who'd chucked what and where and possibly even who they'd been chucking with at the time. The stigma of chucking inferior wood on the wrong side of town would vie with the immense status boost that chucking rare exotics in the most exclusive chuck-eterias would bestow. Soon there would be a bustling industry amongst woodchucks in "packaged wood" for on-the-go chuckers. A ratings system would emerge that constantly touted this wood over that. "Three paws up" would be the new highest accolade in the land, because obviously the fourth paw is busy shoving that delectable wood into some lucky chucker's chuck-hole. Pretty soon woodchucks wouldn't be able to stop chucking wood even if they wanted to because -- from their (admittedly sensible) point of view -- there's probably something WRONG with a woodchuck who's "a bit off his wood, if you know what I'm saying."

... So yeah, they'd chuck a lot of wood.
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From Mike
Website: http://projectpedal.com
The changes look snazzy smile really dig the re-design.
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